Traffic noises can be annoying, especially for those who live near high-traffic areas. Premier Asphalt & Concrete has proudly been reducing traffic noise for the residents of Columbus, OH for over ten years. We have the skills and knowledge of commercial paving techniques needed to produce a quality roadway product that is not only durable but also reduces highway traffic noise. Keep reading to learn more about asphalt’s noise reduction properties.
Asphalt Pavement Reduces Highway Traffic Noise
Asphalt Pavement Reduces Highway Traffic Noise

Causes of Traffic Noise
The level of traffic noise can vary greatly from one area of the city to another. The noise level of traffic is influenced by these three factors:
The volume of traffic: The more vehicles that are out on the road, the louder the level of noise.
Speed of traffic: A highway where vehicles are traveling at higher speeds will create more noise than a residential area.
Heavy trucks: Large, heavy trucks such as dump trucks, semis, and even delivery trucks tend to contribute more noise to the traffic than smaller vehicles or even electric vehicles.
Successful road planning and city development planning are critical to keeping noise pollution at lower levels.

Asphalt Pavement Reduces Traffic Noise
At Premier Asphalt & Concrete we are a top-level commercial asphalt paving company dedicated to providing safe roadways, parking lots, driveways, and various other commercial and residential paving projects to make the city of Columbus a better, quieter place to live. Asphalt paving greatly reduces traffic noise. A dense-graded hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement creates a noise production equivalent to 72-79.5 dB(A) which is similar to a dishwasher or vacuum cleaner running. Trust only the professionals at Premier Asphalt & Concrete with your commercial asphalt paving needs.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Asphalt
One of the greatest noise reduction asphalt is porous or an open-graded friction course (OGFC). The porous surface not only helps water return more naturally to the environment but also has a higher ratio of air voids creating an even quieter traffic noise level. The noise level of this eco-friendly commercial asphalt product is 69-77 dB(A) which is similar to a typical conversation noise level. Cities can also opt for asphalt that utilizes recycled tires to lead to even quieter roadways, sometimes showing a 50-90% reduction in overall noise pollution.

Get Noise Reducing Asphalt for Your Next Commercial Paving Project
Quieter pavement improves traffic noise for both urban and suburban areas. Premier Asphalt & Concrete is your commercial paving expert in Columbus, OH. We work with all levels of customers from residential, to commercial, and even municipal to reduce noise pollution while providing a safe, dependable product.
Choose Premier Asphalt & Concrete for your commercial paving project to save money and reduce noise production and disturbances around your neighborhood.